Though New Zealand is a natural emigration destination for Australians, people from all over the world including Japan move there to make a new beginning.

There are many things that work in favor of New Zealand including its temperate climate and beautiful countryside. Best of all, the cost of living in the country makes it a very desirable moving destination.

If you are a resident of Japan, which is a busy and expensive country, you will find that moving from Japan to New Zealand is a very good decision to make.


Here is a Brief Look at How You Can Make the Move to New Zealand.

Multi-Cultural Country

Before you make the move to New Zealand, there are a few things to keep in mind. For one, the country plays host to people from many parts of the world which include Asian counties like Japan or China, Europe and America and so is considered a multi-cultural nation.

Second, most of the people who call New Zealand their home are from Europe, though these days, more and more South Asians are also starting to emigrate to New Zealand.

The nice thing about living here is New Zealand is a very safe and clean country just like Japan. It also has a low cost of living which along with nice tax laws make it a very desirable country to emigrate to.


Live Comfortably on Your Present Salary

Although the cost of living in New Zealand is low especially compare with that of Japan, the salaries paid in the country are also lower than what you would earn for a similar job in Japan and in Europe. So, if you are moving to New Zealand from Japan, USA or Europe then on your current salary you could enjoy a very decent life in New Zealand.


Main Language is English

English is the main language spoken in New Zealand. Although Maori is the other major language spoken in the country, very few people actually speak it.

The country’s climate is mild but in the monsoon season, it can get very wet and snow falls in the mountains in North Island as well as in the lower reaches of the South Island.


Research your Opportunities Before Hand

Unlike Japan currently, New Zealand is facing a mini economic crisis. So, if you are moving there, then it may be hard for an expat like a Japanese person to find a suitable job.

So, be sure to research your options before making the move. To get a good job, you need to know the English language well because finding work without a good working knowledge of the language is almost impossible. There may be some companies who look for employees who speak Japanese.


Emigration Requirements

When applying for a resident visa, you need to show that you and your family are healthy. A medical examination may be required.

Once you gain your permanent resident visa, you can then avail of an excellent healthcare system. When looking for accommodation, you will need to deal with periodic tenancy. In periodic tenancy, there is no fixed time scale and a three-month notice will be required if you want to leave your accommodation.


Consult the Expat Info Desk Expat Guide

Finally, before moving to New Zealand from Japan you should find out more about how to relocate efficiently. A guide can show you how to settle into your new life.

You should also find a guide that shows you which the best areas to live in the country are. Also, these guides will also show you where to meet like-minded people and which schools are most suitable for your children. The Expat Info Desk expat guide is a book that can provide you with all this useful information.
